As Betty quickly matured she became a hot property for Fleischer Studios, and in those pre-code days, a "hot" property on the screen with her short dresses, high heels, and garter belt. Betty is known as the first and most famous sex symbol on the animated screen, long before Jessica Rabbit, whose costume comes directly from Betty's wardrobe. However, by late 1933 the content of her films was affected by the National Legion of Decency and the Production Code, and cute replaced sexy for the balance of her films.
Betty Boop as Snow White (1933). The most surreal cartoon you are likely to see.
The Inspirations
As to Natwick's inpirations, we all know about Clara Bow and what a major presence and influence she was on the flapper look of the twenties, but who was Helen Kane? Born as Helen Schroeder, she attended St. Anselm’s Parochial School in the Bronx. By the time she was 15, Helen, who had only appeared in school productions, was onstage professionally, touring the Orpheum Circuit with the Marx Brothers. Her first performance at the Paramount Theater in Times Square proved to be her career's launching point. She was singing "That's My Weakness Now", when she interpolated the scat lyrics “boop-boop-a-doop.” I guess that really grabbed Grim.
Helen sings Dangerous Nan McGrew (1930)
The Voices
Ann Rothschild broke into show business in the 1925 "Greenwich Village Follies" and was named "Little Ann Little" because she was only 4'10" tall and weighed 76 pounds. After "Dizzy Dishes" premiered, Paramount, who distributed Fleischer productions, held an audition for a girl to do the voice for the new character. Ann was chosen from among many other girls and provided the voice for a few cartoons before going on the road with a Betty Boop vaudeville act. The act consisted, in part, of a drawing demonstration by Pauline Comanor, a "movie cartoonist" who drew Ann as Betty and handed out the drawings to lucky audience members.
Mae Questel's parents encouraged her to study dramatics and singing. Although she had offers to appear in stage productions, her protective parents felt she was too young at the time. She was still a teenager when she won a Helen Kane look alike contest and in 1931 Max Fleischer caught her act and asked her to do the voice for Betty Boop. Mae was Betty from the time she came to the studio until the series ended in 1939. She was also the voice of Olive Oyl for over 20 years, and used Zasu Pitts as her vocal inspiration.
Some of the images in this post come from the out-of-print, but wonderful book, The Fleischer Story (1976), by Leslie Cabarga.
I have to say this is one of your best posts! Excellent. Such an interesting history of the women behind the Betty Boop cartoon.
Was that baby/child like voice something popular in the late 20s and early 30s? I noticed that Penny Singleton (back when she was Dorothy McNulty) had a similar voice.
Thanks Raquelle. Well we certainly have a similar thing going with Fanny Brice doing the Baby Snooks character, and that pre-dates Helen. More about Fanny and Snooks here.
I'm a fan of all things Boop, and I'm glad to see such an informative column posted. Now if only various rights can get untangled so a proper DVD set can be issued.
Frabjous post! I hadn't seen that Snow White vid since I was a kid, thanks. I'm glad to see the voices behind get some credit, too. Love the Boop drawing instructions - no doubt many a young hand tried their first introduction to a kind of allure copying that anatomy lesson.
Fabulous story ...:)
I love that Mae Questel played Woody Allen's mom in his segment of "New York Stories". Oedipus Wrecks!
She was terribly cute.
Wow, I actually didn't know the "boop-boop-a-doop" part. I'm send this post to a couple girlfriends of mine who absolutely adore Betty Boop, but we have oly recently begun to learn the detailed history. Thanks so much for the informative post!
I'll be back for sure. :)
Betty Boop was Modeld on Helen kane, Not clara bow
In dizzy dishes 1930
Grim natwick kept his mouth shut, but he did create her on Helen kane
then when helen kane sued them they started bringing clara bow in the picture when everyone knows it was a Full Helen kane Style
Also it didnt help the fact that little known african american singer baby esther booped before kane
The Helen kane trial started in 1934, and before 1934 the betty boop cartoons all had refrence songs to helen kanes songs and movies,
the first colour feature Poor cinderella was made in 1934
and the fleischer Studios made Betty Boops Hair Red
and i think it was to confuse the judge, becuse basically Clara Bow was known to have had red hair
The judge wasnt to bothered that betty boop was simuler to her, but she didnt create the booping
even though it was her style
and baby esther never always used the booping as her signature song... becuse she was unknown and always will be.
helen kane lost the trial.
Later Grim natwick told in some book, that Betty Boop was Modeld on Helen kane, Becuse he basically created her
Also i Have the Actual Story which Goes With Grim Natwicks Creation of Betty Boop
And its 100 percent True!
One day, Dave Fleischer handed Grim a photograph of singer, Helen Kane and asked him to design a caricature. Fleischer had found a sound-alike, and planned to use her in the upcoming Talkartoon, "Dizzy Dishes". Grim exaggerated Kane's wide eyes and rosebud mouth, creating a slightly coarse, but strikingly original design. A few weeks later, Dave asked Grim to design a girlfriend for Bimbo to star as the "fair young maiden" in a cartoon adaptation of the popular song, "Barnacle Bill the Sailor". Grim streamlined and refined his caricature of Kane for the part. But Dave Fleischer objected, insisting that since Bimbo was a dog, his girlfriend should also be a dog. Grim quickly sketched Betty Boop's head on a four legged canine body. He held up the drawing next to the pretty girl design, and asked, "Which would you rather have as your girlfriend? A girl? Or a dog?" Dave laughed and agreed that the pretty girl was the right choice.
Wonderful post! BB as Snow White is certainly one of the more surreal cartoons you're likely to see.
And let's not forget that Grim Natwick also did a stint at the Disney Studio where he was one of the lead animators on the Snow White character.
BB and SW! That's some mighty fine company.
Great story I didn't know about her before. I'm a huge fan now. Thank you
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